Vanitylina, Huge Tits from Colombia [With Pics]

Vanitylina, Huge Tits from Colombia [With Pics]

vanitylina is a Chaturbate's webcam girl.

She is a colombian girl, with long dark hair and an incredible curvy body.

Oh, and don't forget her awesome big tits.

In short

  • Boobs size: 35DD
  • Date of birth: 1999-11-01
  • Show type: Alone
  • Birthplace: Colombia
  • Ethnicity: Latin
  • Hair color: Brown
  • Eye color: Brown


She is a Colombian girl with huge tits, round ass and a beautiful smile.

vanitylina smiling

As you can read from her bio, she likes all kinds of food that has to do with strawberries 🍓

Strawberry ice cream, strawberries with whipped cream, chocolate strawberries.

Here comes the hot part.

"I have fantasies with chocolate on my tits and my body: being licked the whole body with chocolate and strawberries."

That drove us crazy.

Well, she likes strawberries, we like her melons 🍈🍈 👀

vanitylina with hands on her boobs


She performs alone, and her shows are full of smiles and beautiful big tits.

vanitylina smile and boobs

If you like strawberries or not, you'll love vanitylina.

vanitylina's tits

vanitylina with pleasure expression

Vanitylina if you're reading this and you'd like to do that strawberries and chocolate things you can DM us on Twitter 😉

Vanitylina's Room

You can enjoy her shows at Vanitylina's Room

Is she offline? Fear not!

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